In this section the postulates of quantum mechanics are described in terms of the
state vector. This formalism works for an isolated physical system.
Postulate 1: States of physical systems are represented by vectors
The state of a physical system is described by a state vector |ψ that belongs
to a complex Hilbert space. The superposition principle holds, meaning that
if |φ1, |φ2,..., |φn are kets belonging to the Hilbert space, the linear
|χ = α1 |φ1 + α2 |φ2 +···+ αn |φn
is also a valid state that belongs to the Hilbert space. States are normalized to
conform to the Born probability interpretation, meaning
ψ |ψ = 1
If a state is formed from a superposition of other states, normalization
implies that the squares of the expansion coefficients must add up to 1:
χ |χ = |α1|
2 + |α2|
2 +···+ |αn|
2 = 1
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Reviewed by Dayeen
জানুয়ারী ১৪, ২০২১